As usual when WWE roll into the UK speculation runs rampant on who will be appearing in tryouts and who could be appearing on tv as ‘extras’.

On RAW last night a few Scottish names were spotted amongst other British Wrestling names:

Kenny Williams & Michael Chase

During the Samoa Joe-Finn Balor break up along with Ashton Smith and ICW regular Iestyn Rees, former ICW Zero G Champion Kenny Williams and current RI Slam Champion Michael Chase popped up to help hold back The Destroyer. Footage below:

Isla Dawn

“Stacy Coates” aka Isla Dawn, a product of the Source Wrestling School, came up short against the undefeated Asuka. Watch the match below:

No doubt we’ll hear other names in the coming days, with Smackdown Live taking place tonight who knows who will appear?

Who else did you spot on Monday Night RAW?