Following his victory at Aberdeen Anarchy against Lost Boy Aspen, Caleb Valhalla found himself holding both singles titles in WrestleZone.

Valhalla ultimately decided to vacate the WrestleZone Tri-Counties Championship, handing over the title to James Chesser at the WrestleZone Training Academy in a video posted on June 11th.

So what happens next? The WrestleZone Tri-Counties Championship has been held by nine different wrestlers in it’s near seven year existence that begun when Lost Boy Aspen scaled the ladder at Aberdeen Anarchy in the Beach Ballroom to win his first singles accolade.

A title that has seen three future Undisputed WrestleZone Champions collect en route to reaching the pinnacle in the North East.

With that in mind, I’ve based my five picks on wrestlers that have yet to hold any gold in WrestleZone as we await news on how WrestleZone Management are electing to determine a new champion.

Umar Mohammed

It would be Sensation Scenes(TM) if Umar Mohammed lifted gold in WrestleZone. Since his re-debut in 2021 Umar has been a firm favourite in the North East, thanks to his tandem with Scotty Swift, and later Mr WrestleZone, but also because he creates a party atmosphere wherever he goes and dons the Sherwani.

His path in WrestleZone has been primarily in the tag team ranks, and more specifically dealing with a couple of WALLEs in Bryan Tucker and Rhys Dawkins, but thanks to Dawkins convincing Tucker to lift the ban on Scotty Swift competing in WrestleZone their tension seems to have subsided, and with Umar’s recent clashes with Captain Alan Sterling ending in a satisfactory status quo, all signs lead to a big back half of the year for The Asian Sensation.

Judas Grey

It didn’t take long for Judas Grey to leave a lasting impression on the WrestleZone crowd. Debuting at Christmas Chaos at the end of 2023, Judas didn’t take too kindly to Tommy Raiden assisting Mikkey Vago to victory by making his return at Regal Rumble to exact a measure of revenge and forming a temporary faction with the Warriors Against Low Life Entities.

After his alliance with Dawkins and Tucker has seemingly dissolved following Gangrel and Speed Metal’s win at Aberdeen Anarchy, the world is at Grey’s feet. The current Discovery Wrestling Openweight Champion isn’t a stranger to singles gold, winning that title in a four man – one night tournament so has the stamina in the tank if that is the decision made to crown a new champion.

Rhys Dawkins

The self proclaimed smartest wrestler on this side of the globe may not have as many wins etched in the bank thanks to being drawn into the shenanigans of Bryan Tucker but those shenanigans has saw him influence the shape of WrestleZone like the aforementioned temporary retirement of Scotty Swift along with being the difference maker in convincing Tucker to think of the bigger picture to allow the red haired warrior’s return.

Competing in one of the marquee matches in Aberdeen Anarchy, tangling with Gangrel, Vampire Warrior versus Warrior Against Low Life Entities, even if the result wasn’t ideal for Dawkins. Now that this vampire business has been put to rest of the time being maybe it’s time for former Undisputed and Tag Team Champion Bryan Tucker to help guide Dawkins to capture a title that has eluded him, the WrestleZone Tri-Counties Championship.

Tommy Raiden

Since becoming a student of Vago Club by being put under the learning tree of Mikkey Vago, Raiden has found a new confidence, and as that confidence grows, title aspirations won’t be far behind.

Raiden has come into WrestleZone as part of this recent batch of young graduates from the WrestleZone Training Academy with the likes of Oliver Green, Evan Young, Rhys Dawkins, and Ronan King. Seeing King capture the WrestleZone Tag Team Championships in May must have sparked a pre-existing desire to become a champion. He has the resource of a former Tri-Counties Champion in Vago available to provide the guidance, could 2024 see lightning strike?


Not much is known about the mysterious luchador that turned up during the 2024 gala season in the North East. They do flips! Rolls! and other death defying manoeuvres I’m sure. A dark horse perhaps if he ventures away from the galas and finds himself in the main WrestleZone universe.

Bonus: A Second Modern Triple Crown Winner?

Outside of my own stipulation for the five picks, the following wrestlers require the WrestleZone Tri-Counties Championship to become only the second modern triple crown winner in WrestleZone history:

  • Bryan Tucker
  • Crusher Craib (retired)
  • Damien
  • Johnny Lions (retired)
  • Scotty Swift
  • Shawn Johnson (status unknown)

In an interesting turn of events a win for Damien or Scotty Swift would give them the distinction of achieving the original and modern triple crown in WrestleZone.

Five potential WrestleZone Tri-Counties Champions that could step onto the history books in the near future. Who do you think will capture the title?