
The following results are from Insane Championship Wrestling ‘Terminator 2: Judgement Day’ on July 14th:


Zero-G Championship Fatal Four-Way – Wolfgang defeats Christopher, Solar & Christopher Saynt by Submission to retain the Zero-G Championship.

Tables Match – Jack Jester defeats Chris Renfrew with a diving elbow to Chris Renfrew through a table. Jack Jester will now face Sabu on August 25th at ‘Dave’s Not Here, Man!’

The Coffeys defeat Fight Club by Pinfall.*

*Following the match, Christopher Saynt returns to the ring and is initiated into the #SaveProWrestling movement by being tortured by the group before being’baptised’ by them.

ICW Heavyweight Championship –  Mikey Whiplash defeats Grado by Pinfall to retain the ICW Heavyweight Championship.

Thumbtack Kickpad Match – Jimmy Havoc defeats BT Gunn by Pinfall. Jimmy Havoc will now face Rhino on October 13th at ‘Fear & Loathing VI’.

James Scott defeats Mark Andrews by Pinfall.

ICW Tag Team Championship – The Bucky Boys defeat Sumerian Death Squad by Disqualification after Sumerian Death Squad insist on the match being held under Traditional Rules. The Disqualification came about after Tommy End used a chair.

Winner Owns ICW – Mark Dallas defeats Jackie Polo by Pinfall after involvement from numerous members of the ICW roster including Mikey Whiplash, Johnny Moss, Lionheart, Sweeney, Jamie Feerick & JD Bravo.


Thanks to Pixie (@RatedRPixie), Stramash Wrestling (@StramashWrestle) & ICW (@ICWOnline1) for updates from the show.