Welcome to the pilot of Topic: Scottish Wrestling, were we pick a Scottish wrestling match and review it. Sounds pretty straight forward. I invited the good folks at the SWN Group Chat on Facebook to suggest a few matches and I picked one to start us off. To kick off this feature, we take a look at a Match of the Month winner in the SWN Monthly Poll. It’s the collision between Respect Pro Wrestling Heavyweight Champion Lewis Girvan, his King of Catch partner Aspen Faith and David Devlin.

Match: Lewis Girvan vs Aspen Faith vs David Devlin
Promotion: Respect Pro Wrestling
Event: Live In Lochwinnoch II

The first match chosen is the August 2018 Match of the Month winner in our Monthly Poll. The main event of the recent Respect Pro Wrestling event at Lochwinnoch. The RPW Heavyweight Championship was on the line with The Kings of Catch colliding along with David Devlin also being involved.

Originally the match was to be Girvan defending his title against Devlin in a one on one match but after Girvan had “bloody” annoyed Aspen in an episode of Filth Life, Faith called RPW GM Robert Roberts to get himself added to the bout.

Aspen Faith entered to The Filthy Generation music which is just a beautiful sound. David Devlin proceeded to battle The Undertaker for the longest entrance as we endured two verses of ‘Simply The Best’ before the chorus kicked in which lead to Faith to take a nap in the ring. The champion, Lewis Girvan, didn’t come out to The Filthy Gen music but he was clearly the most popular man entering the match with a big roar from those in attendance.

Right away there were some shenanigans, Girvan missed Devlin and knocked Faith out of the ring with a big forearm. Faith repaid in kind with a foot stomp before tripping Devlin into the crotch of Girvan. All three had points of control that lead to a brawl to the outside. The Kings of Catch rarely got on the same page with plenty of three way wrestling action with Devlin baring the brunt of the punishment. It got to the point that Faith stopped the action to get Girvan to do some tag team moves but even that ended in a superkick to the face of Lewis. The Return of Investment looked to finally get The Kings of Catch on the same page before Faith quickly rolled up Lewis for the three count and the title for a shock win.

After the match there was an awkward pause between Faith and Girvan before MATT DALY, Luke Matthews and Xero entered and attacked the pair. Bobby Roberts rolled in to assist The Kings but got a beating before JD Bravo arrived to chase off Xero and Matthews. MATT DALY then got a four pronged attack from the good guys.

A fine match albeit a bit short with a sudden finish, The Kings of Catch being a rubbish team was fun. Near about everything they tried failed which made you think Devlin would just sneak in with a quick win but instead it was Faith who pulled off some ninja moves to keep Girvan down for the three count. The story of Aspen and Lewis was the highlight which started and continued on the fantastic Filth Life (now renamed Kings Road). The funny bits were funny, the general content of the match was good. Not a bad match just finished a bit sooner than I would’ve liked.