World Wide Wrestling League hosted their thirteenth Wrestlution event on September 6th. Taking place at The Brunton in Musselburgh, W3L offered a multitude of championship matches on this show including crowning the first W3L Breakout Champion and the final W3L matches of Jayla Dark and Johnny Lions.

It was a big night for W3L and they’ve brought the show to YouTube in a W3L Network Special. Part one contained the first half of the event.

Taylor Bryden defeated James Scott by pinfall.

Wrestlution XIII kicked off with former Contingency Plan team mates Taylor Bryden and the returning James Scott facing off. After a slow start, with James Scott riling up the crowd, and avoiding any of the action but eventually got going. Back and forth start until the match went to the outside. Scott rammed Bryden’s back into the ring post and took over. Bryden rolled up Scott for a close two count but Scott followed up with a smooth brainbuster for another two count.

James Scott introduced a chair to proceedings but it was whipped away from him by the referee, Scott walked into a victory roll and Bryden scored the win.

Scott thanked Bryden for the match before attacking Bryden from behind, a powerslam and chair shot later and James Scott definitely re-introduced himself to W3L in brutal fashion.

Brisk sub 10 minute match, considering James Scott has been out of action for a wee while now he looked very crisp in the ring. Bryden is gaining popularity with every match I see him in for W3L. The match was solid, nothing too special but it was a fine watch.

W3L Breakout Championship – Leo King defeated Rhoderick Jones, Robbie Balfour and Umar Mohammed by pinfall to win the W3L Breakout Championship.

Leo King was triple teamed in the early going but after a flurry between the other three, King returned to take over for a period. Balfour hit a nice double foot stomp onto King to break up a pin and busted out a Sling Blade. Rhoderick Jones tormented Robbie Balfour before being sent over the top rope. Balfour dived over the top rope to the floor on top of the three, Mohammed hit a gorgeous springboard senton onto Balfour before hitting Jones with a Call To Prayer DDT. Balfour pulled Mohammed out of the ring as both clotheslined each other leaving Leo King to hit a pumphandle gutbuster on Jones for the win.

Explosive was a word used by commentator Joe Fordyce and that’s certainly accurate. It was a chaotic if a bit sloppy. Leo King looked like a good prospect, slowing down the action but showing control. Balfour was agile with endless energy and Mohammed was a totally different person from the guy I saw on Action Academy a while ago, his springboard senton was great as was the nip up on the floor afterwards, I’d say it was the highlight of the match… he also had appropriate wrestling footwear. Rhoderick Jones, from Pontypandy (yes Fireman Sam’s hometown), was a bit clumsy but he hit a nice Samtan (swing out stunner) onto Umar Mohammed.

I think there needed to be a bit of a rest, letting some of the moves breathe. They certainly fitted plenty in eight minutes.

W3L Tag Team Championships – Krieger & TJ Rage defeated Euan G Mackie & ??? by pinfall to retain the W3L Tag Team Championships.

Euan G Mackie introduced Dickie Divers as his tag team partner. Rage overpowered Divers in the early going, like running into a brick wall. Rage caught Divers rather awkwardly but muscled him over into a big slam which led Divers to tag himself out. Mackie was flung into Divers before Krieger got in and there was an uppercut Hart Attack onto Mackie before being followed by a big swing courtesy of TJ Rage. Divers blind tagged himself in and picked his spot to boot Krieger and take advantage. Mackie returned with a double springboard Vadar Bomb onto Krieger, using distractions, double team moves and regular tags to keep Krieger on the back foot. Rage tagged in and run roughshod, a huge belly to belly for Mackie and a spinebuster for Divers. Rage caught Mackie’s crossbody attempt for a slam. Mackie looked to be on the road to victory but a knock into Divers left Mackie open for a Krieger superkick and double team Magic Killer to be kept down for the three count.

A basic yet fun tag team match. The team of TJ Rage and Krieger is a solid duo with good chemistry and some lovely tag team moves. As always, Euan G Mackie was a delight and the inclusion of Dickie Divers never hurts a match as he is a darn good wrestler.

Divers picked up the microphone to lambaste Mackie before attacking him. Mackie got the upper hand but James Scott returned to help Divers and hit a double low blow onto Mackie. Divers powerbombed Mackie, Scott brought in Mackie’s shovel but was thwarted by Taylor Bryden. Bryden and Mackie embraced to close out the first part of Wrestlution XIII.

A nice 35 minutes of wrestling, it didn’t offend and was packed with plenty fun moments. The crowd were really hot for the opening match and first half main event but a bit tepid for the Breakout Championship match.

Part two promises to be a fantastic show with three championship matches including the final W3L matches for Jayla Dark and Johnny Lions. I can’t wait for W3L to upload it, we’ll have a review up soon after it’s up.

Part one is available on the W3L Network now if you want to watch it yourself: