A big thanks to Fair City Wrestling for the sneaky peak at their recent event at The Tulloch Institute in Perth.

The show kicked off with Duke, Tom Atlas, DAPW Champion Sebastian Asher, and FCW Junior Heavyweight Champion Spike Tierney entering to a chorus of boos. Duke explained the backstory of the group to catch folk up as to why they formed, talking about others getting opportunities but they always had to fight for them, now they will be the ones to taking, talking about sending Jay Robin home to have a cry, Botchico runs out, but is assaulted by Tom Atlas by the entrance. Kairn Douglas arrived while Spike Tierney was on the microphone but was taken out by Sebastian Asher while Retro Randy held Kairn’s NSFM tag team partner Patryk Peterski back at the commentary desk. Euan G Mackie made it to the ring but was outnumbered and overwhelmed.

Music hit and in the distraction Jay Robin ran out from the crowd to take out the group as Botchico, Mackie, and Douglas returned to assist. Robin told them that he went away to figure just how he was going to kick their arses. The bad guys replied saying that a match would be on their time and made an exit.

The crowd weren’t super receptive to the angle, a bit hands on laps for the Jay Robin appearance, but I liked the run outs, I liked Partyk Peterski having to held back by Retro Randy in the background because that’s just logical. We got a tease of further gripes that this new stable has, and set up a tag team match for later in the show. Job done.

Sam McMillan defeated Luke Matthews by pinfall.

Before the match Stevie Wizard announced that due to Zach Dynamite being injured that Sam McMillan would face a mystery opponent, which turned out to be Luke Matthews. Matthews had a sword that drew a sarcastic “oooh” from the audience, he did some swinging of it which was met with apathy.

The lack of response to some sword swishing seemed to just anger Matthews who bullied Sam in the early going, which garnered plenty of support for McMillan. Using his size advantage to put power behind kicks to the back and big slams to the mat.

McMillan fought back to land a top rope crossbody, firing up with clotheslines, and a second rope diving knee to the face of Matthews.

Matthews hit a pop up knee to thigh, then threw McMillan up for a pop up knee to the face, and a kick to the head for funsies. A cocky one foot on the chest pin had Sam get a shoulder up, he tried to fight back with a Frankensteiner but a visit to the second rope was stopped by Matthews who got McMillan on his shoulders but Sam rolled through for a Victory Roll for the shock win.

That crowd reaction at the start could’ve been death for the match but Matthews worked his arse off to get the boos louder and louder as the match wore on by continuing to get into the crowd’s collective face. They were more than happy to cheer for Sam in response and hit a peak when the three count was made.

For a first main show appearance for Sam McMillan he did very well. There was a little hesitation during his entrance, and some little mis-steps here and there but a good match overall. There didn’t seem to be any fear to get involved with Luke Matthews.

Brodie Adler entered for her Game Changer cash in, but her opponents music was interrupted with a phone call on the tron. Sirena Rose revealed that she was overseas and would not be appearing so has set up an opponent for Adler. Dickie Divers popped into view and announced that he wasn’t going to be there either before hanging up the call.

Brodie Adler defeated Taylor Vite by pinfall.

Vite drew the ire of the audience very quickly with his overall smug demeanour. He mocked Adler’s height (which is hilarious as he is maybe 3 inches taller… which is massive, above average really), and was met with an open hand slap to the face. He then tried to out power Adler but was easily backed into the corner skirling for the referee to break it up.

The crowd started mocking Vite’s childlike screams, someone shouted Taylor Swift and suddenly I was transported a couple hundred miles north to Thurso for Combat League Wrestling as the Taylor Swift chant began, yes I will finish the 2022 Season reviews asap…

Taylor SwiftVite climbed onto the back of Adler and clung on like a limpet before being sent hurtling backwards into the corner. Vite dove out of the ring while holding Adler’s arm for a wringer that I’ve never seen before and very much enjoyed. He followed up with a springboard into the ring, landing on his feet, then facewashing Brodie with the bottom of his boot. He’s just fantastic at being an absolute arse.

Vite continued to target the ribs and chest of Adler, using his knees and shoulders to apply pressure and sharp jolts to the area. A really nasty looking wrenching headlock from Vite was powered up and out with a jawbreaker by Brodie. A couple clotheslines, a corner splash, and second rope crossbody for a near fall put Adler in control.

After a jostle to hit that final killer blow, Adler ran into the corner ring post which gave Vite the opening to hit a Codebreaker and tornado DDT but it only resulted in a two count. Vite started to get angry and started pushing around Adler, who hoisted him up for a Samoan Drop and finished the job with a Black Hole Slam.

A tremendous match. Taylor Vite is one of those guys that always brings out the best of his opponents and this was no different. He just easily becomes this arrogant know-it-all that you need to see get battered. Adler really looked pissed off from bell to bell, not only not getting her title match but having to deal with this twerp. Great stuff.

Sebastian Asher & Duke w/Spike Tierney & Tom Atlas defeated Euan G Mackie & Jay Robin by pinfall.

Asher and Duke tried to use their additional numbers count early but Mackie and Robin were able to avoid an mugging in the opening. Mackie’s agility dodged a rush from Duke, sending him to the outside with the rest of his pals. Robin provided the additional slingshot as Mackie dived from the top rope to the group on the floor.

Thanks to a trip up, Asher and Duke took control by targeting the knee of Mackie. Euan fought back to suplex Duke and crawl to the corner for the tag but Asher had distracted the referee and missed it as Chris Quinn ushered Jay Robin back to his corner.

With Asher and Duke firmly back in control, they used another referee distraction to bring Tom Atlas to get a dig in. Even having the group snap a selfie while Mackie was being choked on the middle rope. Asher’s overconfidence got the better of him when a stalling vertical suplex was countered with a DDT to bring Jay Robin legally into the match.

Robin came in like a house on fire but couldn’t help being distracted by Spike Tierney on the outside which gave Duke and Asher time to hit a Magic Killer. Robin kicked out, but continued to be distracted by Tierney. Mackie dragged him back in for a flapjack-facebuster combo to Asher but the match started to break down. Duke and Mackie brawled in the ring as Robin and Tierney somehow brawled out of the sight of the referee, Asher was shouting, just a lot of moving parts. As they continued to brawl, we came back to Asher screaming in the corner that his nose was broken.

As the referee attended to Asher, Duke slid in with a chair. After cracking it off the back of Mackie, Asher suddenly recovered and finished the job with a Famouser for the pin.

Robin returned to continue the brawl but was quickly outnumbered and struck with both the DAPW Championship and FCW Junior Heavyweight Championship to lay him out.

This was a bit messy and chaotic, which you could argue goes with the pack mentality that this new group has because they were all over their opponents and rabid with it. The crowd still don’t seem totally sold on Jay Robin, the brawl with Spike was intense though so get them into a street fight or something and I’m sure that’ll get things into gear.

I won’t get to put it anywhere else in this review so, anyone notice that Tom Atlas looks like he’d turn into a werewolf? The eyes of a madman, the hair of David Hasselhoff performing Confrontation from Jekyll & Hyde, and the look of David Hasselhoff performing Confrontation from Jekyll & Hyde. Just putting it out there.

Ryan Riley defeated Hunter Redwood by pinfall.

Two big lads, started off with a stalemate of power with neither getting the upper hand on the collar and elbow tie ups. Riley managed to knock Hunter down with a shoulder block but ended up getting a couple hip tosses and a scoop slam in return to send him bailing to the outside for a time out.

Riley hung up Redwood on the top rope to get the advantage, which left Hunter wobbly legged giving Ryan the opening to punish and wear him down with headlocks. Redwood would battle back up but would get knocked back down by Riley. At one point Ryan silenced the crowd for a chop only to poke Redwood in the eye which was great bastardry.

After running into each other with stereo clotheslines, Redwood built up a head of steam, splashing Riley into the corner, then powerslamming Ryan off the second rope, which is rumoured to be the most dangerous. Hunter attempted a pop up something but was replied to with a knee to the face and Michinoku Driver for a near fall.

Redwood hit a Stunner for another near fall, Hunter removed his gloves and started wailing on Riley. Riley raked the eyes to counter another pop up attempt and landing a Lariato for the victory.

Ryan grabbed a chair from under the ring and attacked Redwood until Retro Randy made his way from behind the commentary desk to stop it. Riley low blowed Randy and struck him with the chair until Ryan Roode made his way out to send Riley retreating.

Randy and Ryan did the Mega Powers handshake that got the crowd pumped as they hotdogged and grandstanded.

A match that wouldn’t reinvent the wheel but was solid. Hunter Redwood is a little one dimensional at this early stage. The Stunner seemed unusual from the rest of his moveset. He gave off a Sylvester Terkay vibe with the long hair, singlet, and MMA gloves so I was maybe expecting more of a power-tech kind of style which he had glimpses of.

We got a set up for a future collision between Retro Filth and The Foundation of the Future over the tag team titles which is nice.

FCW Heavyweight Champion Number One Contendership Fatal Four Way – Caleb Valhalla defeated Bruiser Brad Evans, ADM, and Hunter Samson by pinfall.

If the previous match was meaty, then this was a buffet. It quickly went to the outside with all four laying into each other. Evans gave Valhalla an Uranage onto the apron which sounded sore. After a brief moment in the ring it was back to the outside for some more scrapping.

Valhalla made his exit from the ring in spectacular fashion with a suicide dive onto Samson and Evans before heading back in for a showdown with ADM. Hunter Samson came in to ruin that by knocking them both down with clotheslines. Evans slammed Samson before being sent over the top rope by ADM. Evans returned to slug ADM right in the face with a right hand.

We got a Tower of Doom with Caleb suffering the worst at the top with Hunter Samson throwing Evans and ADM from the second rope. As the dust settled all four brutes stood in their respective corners and met in the middle for titanic brawl with bodies and moves flying everywhere.

It eventually bore down to ADM and Caleb, ADM raised his hand for a chokeslam but was met with a spear from Valhalla to finish the match.

There was a “that was awesome” chant following the match. Four big dudes just throwing hands and each other for 10 minutes or so. A lot of fun, not at all pretty, with plenty feats of strength from all involved. It was embodiment of the BIG MEATY MEN SLAPPING MEAT verbiage going around on the interwebs.

A fun opener, a fantastic Adler-Vite bout, some foundations being laid for the big bad summer of Duke and co., and tag team championship picture then finishing up with a colossal battle. A good variety of action. There were stories being throughout. A show worth a look at when the footage is available, which will be soon, via FCW Empire on YouTube.